DCCCD ePortfolios


Disciple Resources
At the end of a semester, online resources provided in eCampus are no longer available to students.  Are there resources they could use at a later time?  You can create a discipline portfolio to give students access to resources at any time.

 Online Learning Resources
A four module QEP Professional Development ePortfolio was created to provide a flexible learning environment with resources that can be downloaded, adapted, and used in the classroom.  

Life-wide Learning
Michael Bassis President, Westminster College, Salt Lake City created a portfolio to model his commitment to the college-wide graduation requirement.  It represents his professional experiences throughout his life.  

IAP (Individual Action Plans) and Evaluation
Create a professional portfolio with evidence of your learning experiences, institutional service, communities activities, student feedback, and other relevant artifacts.

What do DCCCD faculty say about Foliotek ePortfolios? 

  • I used to think:  "ePortfolios were not useful, hard, confusing, and difficult to master.”
  • Now I think:  “Everyone needs one! It is easy to maneuver through and fun at the same time!”
  • I used to think:   "I used to fear the idea of learning it.”
  • Now I think:  “ePortfolios are an incredible method of teaching that enhances learning for a diversity of learning styles. I wish I would have been educated/trained a while ago.”

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